WhyAI: Your Catalyst for AI Success.

  • AI’s Hype and Hope 2024

    AI’s Hype and Hope 2024

    In the tech world, trends come and go with the speed of a viral meme. Remember the year 2023? Dubbed the “Year of AI,” it was a period where throwing money at anything AI-related seemed as popular as using “disruptive” in every other startup pitch. But as we venture into 2024, we’re forced to ask:…

  • Why AI Sucks at Drawing Hands

    Why AI Sucks at Drawing Hands

    Introduction In the grand gallery of digital art, there’s one glaring flaw that sticks out like a sore thumb – or should I say, like a bizarrely-rendered thumb on a five-fingered hand. Yes, friends, we’re talking about AI’s comically tragic inability to draw hands. If you’ve ever seen AI-generated art, you’ve probably noticed that everything…

  • AI 2023: From Labs to Lives

    AI 2023: From Labs to Lives

    Not Just Sci-Fi Anymore Remember when AI was just a fancy term tech geeks tossed around like a frisbee at a beach party? Well, 2023 changed all that. This year, AI didn’t just step out of the lab; it burst through the doors like a kid who just discovered Red Bull. Leading this caffeine-fueled charge…

  • Alexa, Can You Hear Me Sobbing? – The Emotional Intelligence of AI

    Alexa, Can You Hear Me Sobbing? – The Emotional Intelligence of AI

    In the grand world of artificial intelligence, where machines are smarter than your average fifth-grader and possibly your cat, we’ve come a long way from simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ robots. They’re in our homes, cars, phones, and slowly creeping into our emotional landscapes. It’s 2023, and AI isn’t just about crunching numbers; it’s about understanding…

  • AI’s Money Party in 2023: Why Your Piggy Bank’s Jealous

    AI’s Money Party in 2023: Why Your Piggy Bank’s Jealous

    Introduction If you thought AI was just about robots taking over, 2023 said, ‘Hold my beer.’ This year wasn’t just big for artificial intelligence; it was like watching King Kong play Jenga with skyscrapers. The kind of big where if AI were a balloon, it’d be in danger of floating off into space. The buzz…

  • AI and Environmental Sustainability: Going Green with Algorithms

    AI and Environmental Sustainability: Going Green with Algorithms

    AI plays a multifaceted role in environmental sustainability. It optimizes renewable energy usage, aids in wildlife conservation, predicts natural disasters, revolutionizes agriculture, and helps combat pollution. Despite requiring vast amounts of data and electricity, AI’s role as an eco-warrior has potential for future growth. However, ethical and environmental considerations must remain at the forefront to…

  • Who and Why Invented AI?

    Who and Why Invented AI?

    Explore the origins of AI, from ancient dreams to 20th-century visionaries. Dive into the minds of Turing, McCarthy, and more as we chart the rise, impact, and future of AI.

  • AI & Imagination: Hiber’s Quest to Democratize the 3D Web

    AI & Imagination: Hiber’s Quest to Democratize the 3D Web

    Explore Hiber’s groundbreaking journey in merging AI & 3D web. From Google’s AI tools to HiberWorld’s metaverse strides, dive into the future of gaming.

  • What is Pagination? Discover How Lex Makes It a Thing of the Past!

    What is Pagination? Discover How Lex Makes It a Thing of the Past!

    Lex’s impact on the writing landscape: moving beyond pagination. How? Dive into the future of AI-enhanced creativity and expression.

  • Why Code Llama Isn’t Just Another Spit in the Ocean of AI Models?

    Why Code Llama Isn’t Just Another Spit in the Ocean of AI Models?

    Discover Meta’s revolutionary AI, Code Llama: a cutting-edge Language Learning Model (LLM) fine-tuned for dynamic code generation. Open-source and accessible, Code Llama transforms coding, blending the prowess of Llama 2 with ChatGPT’s conversational excellence. Dive into its features, benchmarks, and the future of AI-driven coding

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